X-MEN will contribute to preventing gender-based violence by addressing masculinities and the engagement of men and boys at risk or socially excluded in 3 EU countries (PT, ES, HR), and whose situation was aggravated by COVID-19 pandemic.
X-MEN’s main goal is the promotion of nonviolent masculinities and the development of strategies that break cycles of violence, contributing in this way to sustainable secondary and tertiary violence prevention, while fostering tools and interventions that aim to reduce GBV and promote gender equality.

CES - Center for Social Studies
Coordination / Portugal
The Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra is a scientific institution focused on research and advanced training within the Social Sciences and the Humanities, through an inter and transdisciplinary approach.
Since its foundation, in 1978, CES has been conducting research with and for an inclusive, innovative and reflexive society by promoting creative critical approaches in the face of some of the most urging challenges of contemporary societies. Its goal is to continue engaging generations of exceptionally talented researchers and students in the field of Social Sciences.
CES scientific strategy aims to democratize knowledge, revitalize human rights and to contribute to the establishment of science as a public commodity. We pursue this mission by continuously reshaping our research fields in a response to the needs of the society. Our work covers a wide range of scientific activities and scope, at the national and international level, with particular focus on the North-South and South-North dialogues, contributing to the development, dissemination and application of cutting-edge science and to an advanced research and training of excellence.
CEPAIM - Fundación CEPAIM Acción Integral con Migrantes
CEPAIM FOUNDATION Fundación Cepaim is a Spanish NGO whose mission is to promote an inclusive and intercultural society that facilitates full access to citizenship rights for the most vulnerable people in our society and, in particular, for migrants. We do so by developing policies to combat any form of social exclusion and collaborating in the development of local territories and migrants’ countries of origin. We carry out this work through different areas, including Equality and Non-Discrimination, International Protection, Housing and Community-based Development.
The Kinder project is carried out by the Equality and Non-Discrimination Area, which has the main goals of promoting equal opportunities between women and men: fighting gender-based violence; encouraging the adequate management of diversity, promoting equal treatment and opportunities in companies and organizations; and ensuring the inclusion of a feminist gender perspective in the design and implementation of all actions aimed at Cepaim users, the organizational structure and society in general. The activities of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Area focus on social interventions with women and men, training and consultancy for organizations, enterprises and professionals, social innovations projects with special attention to research and action-research programs.
STATUS M - Organizacija Status M
Vzw Zijn
Consultant - Belgium
Vzw Zijn – Movement against Violence activates the society in order to prevent violence through awareness raising campaigns and actions, education, networking, and policy advocacy. Vzw Zijn especially focusses on involving boys and men in promoting gender equality, preventing gender based violence, and deconstructing restrictive gender stereotypes as a founding partner of the MoveMen initiative (together with RoSa vzw – Centre of Expertise on Gender and Feminism).
Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice
Consultant - United States
Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice (formerly Promundo-US) works to promote gender equality and create a world free from violence by engaging men and boys in partnership with women, girls, and individuals of all gender identities. Our work emerges from more than two decades of local and international research, program development and advocacy.